Thursday, October 26, 2006

Today was another frustrating day a work, and at home. I want so much to be a stay at home mom. I feel the stress and pressures of holding down a full time job AND maintaining a personal and home life are just sucking energy out of me. I get headaches everyday and I nearly fall asleep on the drive to work. Does anyone else feel this way???

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Columbus Day! I'm sure Columbus was quite happy to finally reach land. I am glad to be at home today, instead of working. *sigh* Longing for the day when I can quit my job to be a SAHM.

Just came back yesterday from a little mini trip to San Antonio. We spent Saturday at Sea World, which Matthew adored! Here are a few pics.

One of the many Shamus jumping:

The stingrays being fed (which made me a little nervous, since one of these is what killed Steve Irwin):

A pair of dolphins jumping:

Saturday, April 22, 2006

What to do today?

Three kids running around the house. Petty little arguements.